ligne prevention 418 683 4588

centre crise qc 418 688 4240#

can you hear me sayin
comin in from the black hole
will never be the way
all impulses from the black hole
must and will be
dealt within
any attempt to turn and fill it
will fail
even though
the pain is strong
it will heal
from the soul
pouring love to the hole

i dont know whatever fuck it is
but i dont wanna loose you (ITS TOO LATE)
now that we connected deeper
i still wanna keep connecting to you (ITS TOO LATE)
deeper (OVER)

those places ive been

dehors les trottoirs
sont un mélange de sel et de glace
et je me demande si je ne serais pas un peu de eux
au fond je suis une glace éperdue
je veux combattre la peur

Les feux brûlent l'Australie
et nous
qui sommes dans la glace et l'eau
que reste-t-il

(i dont know if i will see you again
i realise its not that important
only the present moment counts and matters cause that's all we ever get
and you are not in my present moment
i still write about you though)

i think this is a marriage to the self
and new love for the self
new love for life as simple as that
a call for a simple life man
a call for a very simple life
let go of the wish to please and dumb people into an image that you chose yourself that you thought would make you attractive to the eyes of those that your eyes find attractive
but then you realise that life is not about this
life is about living truthfully despite whatever people find it attractive or not
we dont give a fuck about others acceptance you know what i mean
j'ai 22 ans maintenant
i was melting with people cause i hated myself
healing is loving one self
which means
knowing you deserve fuckin love man
knowing you deserve fuckin love and fuck those VANITIES

loosing you is the supidest shit ive done
to run from the fears
and the pain is enough
to make me wanna heal
for good
and express my love again

just cause now i know
the fears prevented from all of what's good
ive pushed away everyone to run from dealing with the fears
ive fell into resentment to run away from taking responsability
ive fell into vanity to trick me into thinking i was being fulfilling myself
now that youre gone
ive got nothing left then face the hole
and fill it myself
find a way to fill it with light again
not cigarettes, not food, not weed, not vanities, not external looks, external attention, not fuckin tarot readings, not fuckin co-dependant relationships, but from the inside
and with this that ive done again
to you
its too much
doing that to you is unnaceptable
i might never see you again
but at least it showed me everything i needed to see to understand
where i need to go where i need to heal
its the lowest point before getting back in touch with my emotions again
cause loosing you
is impossible
i still feel you
so is this love that i'm feeling
whats the point of hiding ourselves
why do we hide ourselves

mes émotions sont tombées
au recyclage
la vie
dans son étendue immense
quelles sont les barrières
quelle est la distance? de l'air
l'air se déplace

where is my mind
where the fuck is my mind, always floating around to not feel the wounds of the body
to not face the pain always floating around hoping to find something to fill oneself
i guess the pain is too fuckin heavy brother
i guess the end is potentially coming but HOW

L'instant présent se ressent comme
une lumière qui s'ouvre et qui se déplace vers les bords
de la circonférence comme... une espèce d'aimant

c'est comme si
depuis que j'ai quitté
cette histoire
l'illusion est tombée il y a de l'espace maintenant
pour aller de l'avant

quoi dire d'autre
je sais pas
quoi dire pour fermer la porte
je sais pas

8 of pentacles
ace of swords

page of cups lovers
the sun 4 of cups

beautiful people
what happens when you have a masculine energy
what happens when life is just happening
and thats the most it will ever do
and you have the right to wish for whatever shit because
you know
life is freaking life
life is life
nothing more then here now
the need of a partner
is not gonna fulfill anything
and then you can choose
you can deceide
what to do

you know
i trust life that i will meet the people i gotta meet
i trust life i trust god
i just dont know what to think about this guy
its ok
i trust joy
and i trust my inner compass

cette cigarette
a la premiere puff
me rempli
et pis apres
ca empire de puff en puff esti
ca rempli de moins en moins

as you ask
you shall receive

im just feeling like

sit with it
sit with the feeling
how you feel is true
its physical
dont attach to it any more then that
the physical sensations within
the hole is burning do you know what i mean

cause ive met my one
and i am not with him
and i might not meet any one else
and i feel peace
to choose me

im thinking too much instead of feeling
i dont wanna moove to mtl
im good in qc
i wanna be with you
but i kinda am with you
and now i feel good in qc

en vrai peut-être ben que tout ca cetait que des pacotilles de fantasmes sexuels pis jme dis tout ce qui sest passé à mayo ca partait de la mauvaise graine cetait une graine noire dingratitude pis de désir mal placé, d'avidité de vouloir devenir quelqu'un sans réaliser que je suis DÉJÀ quelqu'un que j'aime et que je peux aimer de vouloir changer le monde au lieu de juste prendre le temps de vivre pis etre ordinaire cest etre extraordinaire do you know what i mean
ca prend plus de courage daffronter le quotidien de la vie pis de sen contenter pis detre heureux avec ca tsé que de sauter vouloir absolument essayer detre quelqu'un you know what i mean

cest la panique a bord
cause im lost again
i lost you again

i lost you again

i lost you again

im sorry i couldnt say i love you
im sorry i live in my fuckin head for fucks sake
i wanna be here now
but im stuck in my head
because i only think of you
i only think of you because i didnt say what i need to say
now im entering a psychose of

(induced by weed)
(i fuck myself up by my own will)
(why is this happening)
9why is this happening)
(that i just loose touch with myself by entering an absolute impulse of i need your love i need your approval i need external validation i want friends i want that i need something to fill me up cause im empty i have an empty cup
how did i get an empty cup well its always by crossing boundaries for fucks sake
i am stuck into a paranoia state of mind
where i loose connection with what surrounds me
and i get lost into a perfect need to get something whatever it is to fuckin i dont know man to just fuckin get i want but it doesnt lead anyfuckinwhere man
ill never see you again and it hurts
because thats my own fault
i tried to escape the pain with cigarettes and fuckin food
you know
i always try to escape the pain the fact that i am sad and i dont wanna see anyone
because i havent cried what i need to cry
i need to feel my heart break
i am scared
i am terrified
by love w
what will happen
the fear of missing out

whatever i miss
will not be
i dont know
i have this self-sabotage voice inside of me

the voice tells me some stuff
and me
what am i gonna do


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