i realised
we are all broken beings
trying to make sens of anything
nobody knows better then anyone
what is true and what is false
we all long for the same
and battle against the same
nobody is better and nobody is truly worst
we all are on this journey called life
trying to make the best we can from what we can
we all try to make some sens
and find some truth
which works for ourselves
and i realised
nobody is ever gonna tend me a truth
that will ring true to me
cause that aint made to be
we all are the one knowing for ourselves
what is true inside of us
and so nobody is to be put on a piedestal
cause really
nobody knows truly what the fuck is up with life
nobody knows truly what they are doing
we are all going to die anyway
you know
and its more then time
that I release phantoms of the past
and this never ending quest
to find enlightment
or the perfect beings or the perfect tribe
that will guide me there
it is not how it works
life is simple
and to connect with life to connect with Spirit and Spirits
is the closer to connect with anyone
cause truly we are all human beings
having this existence on earth
and nobody knows shit about it
we can try and figure out what's true
but the only truth
is what rings inside our own heart
so theres no point to really long for anyone elses acceptation
cause being in the heart of anyone
isnt the truth
it is only an illusion that we are not going to die alone
but we will
as we were brought to this life alone
we will die alone
and also surely we will die
so whats the point
gripping to the past gripping to anything
being attracted only by looks or surfaces
you know
my being
is the only being
i wanna count on
for anything
and that is TRUE
my Heart
is the only compass to feel my head
and if I don't know what to say
its because
i get lost in a weird separation sens
and if I entertain addictions of any kind
to freeze myself
then i sure will loose my connection to myself
until i dig out of there
by getting away from the addiction
from the devil
yesterday night
in my bed
i felt the devil living inside of me
and i saw the devil part of me
so big so grown so fed
and i realised
its a part i got
changing life COMPLETELY
means getting rid of the devil ADDICTIONS
getting rid of the boundage to addiction to external validation
superficiality vanity
i know my heart is pure
in the dark as in the light
its basis is pure LOVE
that's where im coming from
he said
you are strong
you may not be strong now
but you are strong
getting rid of the blindfold
intentional blindfold
what sens does it make
to be intentionally blindfolded
i wonder
how long can it last until you find out
that something really dont ring true to you
part of changing
is to accept
that the devil is there inside of me
that I do believe into what I believe
even though the head speaks of different nature
but the heart KNOWS
what it knows


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