moi chu l'amie
à qui on confie son quick sur le plus beau punk du groupe
au début j'essaye de dire que moi aussi j'ai flashé dessus criss
qui aurait pas
mais après mes sentiments inassumés s'enterre dessous ceux des autres qui les gueule plus fort
plus vrai
pis jme ferme la gueule
pis l'amitié me gagne et jme dis
qu'un code morale m'interdit de donner libre cours à n'importe quel fantasme
impliquant ce ptit mec désormais
et alors c'est de même qules choses se passent
chu pas assez vite pas assez confiante pas assez dirigée
pour gueuler je t'aime assez vite assez fort
anyway ca serait n'importe quoi
j'préfère trouver ma tribe dans la paix pis l'harmonie

tes qui caliss
what happened tonight?
am i doomed?
i dont feel good with you
i feel like you see me like a case to resolve
you dont see through me
you dont take the time to read the book
to get to the core
you stay in surface cause you focus on yourself
and thats not bad
but you will never get to one single inch of knowing the core of myself
if you never take time to see me through what you think you see
but you dont
you dont look at me
you dont see me
you see only what you wanna see
or what you think you see
and you think your dream is the right dream
you think your Truth is the truth
and i dont like that
Jesus might be our Savior
but i dont like the way you talk about it
i dont like the way you deceide to see me as a lost soul until i find jesus
i dont like that you DONT SEE ME
that is not fair
you do not realise
your own eyes are your own limits
and who am I to see even this
i dont care
i dont pretend to own the Truth for everybody
cause i think each has got his own truth
his own path to God
and because i dont use the same words as you
or the same fuckin system
doesnt make me less spiritual
but you dont see that
you scared the shit out of me
i couldnt even tell you
but i couldnt stay true to myself and stay by your side
i dont know why
devotion to god to me is made of another way
god is found in our soul
i dont know
they all think they teach me stuff
they dont man
all they do is fuckin read from a book
and all that i saw is that the path of jesus, i followed it
and i will keep Following it instintcly
and that will be my only real wisdom
and fuck those people making me feel bad to be a certain way
do you really think we need a BOOK to get to know god?
i dont know
i dont know
am i doomed
maybe i am
maybe i get this all wrong
and maybe Jesus will save me
the day i deceide to accept it
to surrender to the Christ
i dont know
im lost
im scared
i think my Truth is love
what importance does it really have if I know or use your own specific words to talk about the same things...
my heart hurts so much
Jesus where are you
where am I
where is my soul

i guess ill be alone forever
cause id rather be alone
then stuck in places i feel like im dying

mon cœur est un oiseau en cage thoracique

ouvre ta cage thoracique et libère ton cœur mon ami
les oiseaux ne sont pas fait pour être en cage

nos pieds pendent
dans le vide
pas d'autre raison que la liberté
sais-tu ce que ça fait de se perdre
aux confins de l'univers, puis de se retrouver
sais-tu ce que ça fait d'ouvrir son cœur
aux fleurs du Soleil


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