one thing left
to be done
to fuckin die
the old self dies
and what stays is only the truth
fuck the control
fuck the running and chasing after people that will never give a fuck of me
my whole body screams at me
it feels tired and tired and sick
and treated poorly
the sadness and the addictions are making me sick

when i start my days with screens
i feel dead

elle me dit jésussss

quand je dis des mots
pourquoi tu n'écoutes pas
pourquoi y a-t-il autant de narcissiques tout autour de moi
à c'est à cause de Narcisse
toujours là quelque part
elle pousse dans mon ventre aussi

tu nous prend tous quelque part
et à cause de toi
le monde s'effondre

je te veux pas
dans mon crâne

my mind is holy spirit and it wanna explode after all its been through
i wont kill all of my experiences for somebody that dont give any fuck of me else then making sure i dont know what
that she wins whatever
i just dont think were friends and thats ok too
i just dont think we will ever be the same
i thought if it wasnt her it would never be anyone and this made me mad this made me bad this made me weird
i thought if it wasnt her it would never be anyone
i thought if it doesnt work out with her then itll never work out with anyone and i just see i just realise that Indeed life is testing me again
being her friend is making me depressed as fuck
im not like her
thats all
not that i dislike her
im simply not like her
peace out my friend its all it is i dont need this kind of presence into my life
even though
being alone would make me very sad
i know i dont need to be forever alone
one day it will change
and as i learn to be real to be me then it will be ok
i believe

Hi Cat!

I pulled the knight of wands reversed for you.

This is showing me that you feel this energy and feeling inside of you that you’re supposed to be doing something “more”. But there may be questions of what that more is, or how to go about it. It also mentions narcissism or a “bully”, so I’m wondering if it is people in your life that are either telling you you can’t do that, or that this is just the way you feel about yourself do to being surrounded by these people. Either way: those are not your people.

It’s so important to not be impulsive right now because this can lead to you doing or saying things that you may later regret, and then we are only continuing the cycle of bullying, so to speak. acknowledge and honor all emotions or triggers that come up for you, but challenge yourself to not lash out. Sit with it, journal about it. Why is this coming up for you?

Your purpose is big, but you have to get out of your own way first. I hope this helps ♥️


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